MMBasic Use (with the Cytron Maker Pi Pico board) as of 2022AJan05 by (D@CC) I installed (and tested) the minicom software onto my RPi 400 I plugged a "brand new" Pico into a USB port of my RPi 400, while pressing the white button on the Pico. I viewed its directory using file manager, and saw 2 files. I simply dragged (copied) the "uf2" file named: PicoMiteVGAV5.07.03RC7.uf2 onto the RPi-Pico icon on the desktop. The icon soon disappeared. Into a Terminal window, I invoked minicom by: >>$ minicom --device /dev/ttyACM0 --color=on At the ">" prompt, I typed "PRINT 1/7". MMBASIC responded with " 0.1428571429" as expected. A (surprisingly simple) successful MMBASIC installation ! MMBASIC Maker Pi Pico Eg: NB Reset Pico twice then: >PRINT 1/7 >PIN(GP11) = 1 >OPTION List >PLAY VOLUME 100,100 >PLAY TONE 500,500 >PAUSE 5000 These turned on LED GP11 and then buzzed a tone. Source: MMBasic.txt /MMBasic_Use.txt